The world is undergoing the most pandemic situation but with concern to many other aspects of focus, every country enables itself to bounce back to normal routines slowly. The best thing apart is that people across the globe are now aware of each & every safety measure which turned out to be an addition of our day to day practices in recent times. Human powers do not include stopping the disasters or reversing the time to the good deeds so all we can do is to make certain changes to our lifestyle to enhance the experience of living on the earth.
As the world is revolving, we should also. On account of post COVID scenarios, the work-life balance will meet effective cost-efficiency & safety measures to run through a business in any industry. Depending on various evaluations, the companies & industries will enable workflow changes.
The Best Safety Measures:
Self-Safety Practices
Social distancing is the most important measure that should be followed to get back to a successful & safe workplace on focal health outcomes. Away from colleagues & leads are harder as that was not anyone’s setback before but on going forward, this makes majestic safe zone for you & your co-workers.
Masks & frequent hand wash are mandatory for the next few years or months with reference to your locality on the virus. Yes, it is difficult to hide your beautiful faces of smile & confidence but your fire back should be more emerged so this is essential at present.
Workplace Composition & Work-Life Transitions
Every desk will maintain a minimum social distance of 1 meter in between. Timely & scheduled intervals for sanitization will be practiced.

Immunity increasing health drinks will be provided to everyone as compulsory intake daily.
Telephonic or video conferencing discussions will be most preferred instead of face to face meetings, team meetings, mass conferences and, etc.
Decreased usage of pen & paper to avoid many people from touching the same printers, pen, paper bundles, and etc.

Breaks between rotational shifts to clean & sanitize the entire office/floor/building including the lift & staircase.
Lifts & elevators will be accessible to restricted people only which includes age limits & physical status with regards to a letter note.
Daily login on the presence of your arrival can be signed by Face ID or System Logins to avoid touch notes.
If the entire floor was accommodating 100 people before Covid19 then post COVID that floor will be restricted to 50 people only. So the rest 50 of that shift should be on proceedings to a new setup of official space extension on a different floor or to be available on active work from home (WFH) option.
Gloves will be circulated to all the handful & nontechnical workers.
All the windows will be kept open instead of full-time centralized air conditioners to prevent the spread of viruses & increase natural air circulation.
The cafeteria will be accessible to people only on during a particular time period with space & seating customizations. Cafeteria shops will be open & serving on their allocated/respective time period only as not for the whole working day. There won’t be any common water-cans or coffee machines anymore.
The smoke area will be more spacious & preferably terrace for wider social distancing which could enable distance beyond 1 meter.
Vehicle parking will be restricted to allotted & authorized parking lot only to maintain entry levels & visitor’s standards. Guest parking will be minimized to the best of size & area availability.
Office transports will load fewer people than before.
These safety practices are mandatory & effective in actions with the love and care to our universe, earth, globe, the whole world in the form of our loved ones!