We entrepreneurs conceive new creatives every sunrise, but how to pen it successfully & execute excellence without any barrier is where the true talent settles. We would like to fill the gap of knowledge in basic & start-up business plan documentation. It’s never a big deal, way easier than you think.
The right list of questions with unique executed answers for every specific domain of your business will lead to infinity in success.

Let’s make it simple & a quick guide.
Here are a few important questions to be addressed from the point of your services/product in business.
What is your motive?
What are the specifications that concern your clients?
What do your competitors do to compete with you?
What makes you unique from others in the same industry?
What could you expect in return for the next 3 months from your business?
What your clients can benefit from you by finalizing?
Who are your potential clients?
Who are your competitors?
Whom do your clients prefer instead & why can’t you provide the same in your concern?
Whom do you prefer for the service that you offer & why not you?
Whom do you hire for your business & why?
Where do you & your potential audience exist? Make the paths easier to reach out to you & in many ways.
Are you available online to the maximum best as it’s the answer for where in this digital business world?
Where to focus in your business?
When do your clients reach you?
Specify timelines of the product/service well in advance & in detail?
When do your competitors launch their service & deliver them? How could you speed up than them?
When to reconsider your business plan?
When to launch?
When to work hard & why so? (seasonal or evergreen)

Why do your clients choose you?
Why is your service or product overpriced or underrated?
Why start this business today or tomorrow?
Which are the right gears to take off?
Which place is right to kick start?
Which matters to you the most & will that to your clients too?
How to begin?
How to process?
How to deliver?
How to perform better?
How to gain more clients?
How to reach more audience?
How to address the gap in business?
How to manage loss if in case?
How far you could sustain without profit if in case?
How much does your competitor charges for the same product/service?
How much is your investment?
How much to pay your suppliers or the creative producers in order to serve?
How much would you earn a profit?

The above-mentioned questions are self asked by every successful entrepreneur before they stepped in & succeeded. These are the basics & there are even more thoughts to arise & dig in before jumping into the boundless ocean “BUSINESS”. There might not be answers to few questions but the way you strive to address them is your talent top-up. Even sometimes responses to the above questions might be similar to one another but asked for a reason to weigh whether you figured it out in a different way. The thought process is mandatory, no matter what, where, which, who, whom, when, why & how.
An entrepreneur must first be honest to himself on addressing his business queries which are itself a wholesome of his business plan!
- Muthu Krishnan
(National Award Winner - Entrepreneur - Filmmaker - Fashion Designer - Mentor
Video Editor - Business Analyst & Strategist - Blogger - CRM Expert - Visualizer
Storyteller - Publisher & Writer)